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Blogbeiträge zum Thema entity framework core

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags EF Core Mapping with TpH, Generic Types and Value Conversion

EF Core Mapping with TpH, Generic Types and Value Conversion

EF Core has powerful options to map your domain model to a relational database. In this article, Ill show you how to use the Fluent API to configure a hierarchy of generic classes to map to a single table, and to convert a collection to a store a singl...

.netCsharpEntity Framework CoreC#Efcore
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Using MySQL in a Docker container with EF Core

Using MySQL in a Docker container with EF Core

Running MySQL in a Docker container, and accessing it from EF Core

.netDockerEntity Framework CoreEfcoreMysql
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Temporal Tables with EF Core 6

Temporal Tables with EF Core 6

Temporal tables keep changes of updates and deletes with specific tables. This is a feature of SQL Server since SQL Server 2016. Without using this feature from SQL Server, with EF Core often the behavior when saving objects was overridden to keep the ...

.net CoreEntity Framework CoreProfessional C#Ef CoreTemporal Tables
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Professional C# and .NET – 2021 Edition

Professional C# and .NET – 2021 Edition

The new edition of my book is available – covering .NET, C#, WinUI, ASP.NET Core, EF Core, and more! Compared to the previous edition, it not only covers the newest editions of C# and .NET, y…

.net CoreAzureBlazorBookCsharpEntity Framework CoreProfessional C#WinuiXaml.netC#
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Microsoft Build 2020 – Highlights

Microsoft Build 2020 – Highlights

This Microsoft Build 2020 conference was very different from all the previous ones as a digital experience event because of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Microsoft made it a great experience - with announcements on Microsoft Azure, .NET 5, Windows, and mor...

.NET CoreASP.NET CoreAzureBlazorConferenceCSharpEntity Framework CoreUWPWPFXamarinXAMLC#9dotnet5MAUIMSBuildWinUI
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Relations with Azure Cosmos DB and EF Core

Relations with Azure Cosmos DB and EF Core

After some first experiments using the EF Core provider with Azure Cosmos DB, with the second article on EF Core with Azure Cosmos DB has a focus on associations. With relational databases, EF Core…

AzureEntity Framework CoreCosmos DBEF CoreEF Core 3.0
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Lazy Loading with EF Core

Lazy Loading with EF Core

Using EF Core, references can be eager loaded, explicitly loaded, and lazy loaded. With eager loading you load references by specifying what references should be included when defining the query. S…

.NET CoreEntity Framework CoreEFCoreLazy Loading
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Data Seeding with EF Core

Data Seeding with EF Core

One of the new EF Core 2.1 features is seeding of data. Contrary to the older version of Entity Framework, seeding with EF Core works together with migrations. This article shows how data seeding c…

.NET CoreEntity Framework CoreEF CoreEF Core 2.1Seed
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags First experiments using EF Core with Azure Cosmos DB

First experiments using EF Core with Azure Cosmos DB

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) was designed to not being a framework for only relational databases. It just takes some time to get the first non-relational providers. Now is the time. Microsoft no…

.NET CoreAzureEntity Framework CoreAzure Cosmos DBCosmos DBEF Core